Toyota Hybrid Cars

Friday, 12 August 2011

Everyone knows that it is unlikely that the future of the automotive industry relies on cars running on petrol or diesel. In fact, it is fair to assume that the coming few years or decade will probably spell the beginning of the end for all cars that depend purely on these environmentally unfriendly fuels. What we aren’t so good at predicting, however, is what will replace this technology. We know it will be something greener and more energy efficient (as our sources of fuel are fast running out on this poor planet), but as for more than that we simply can’t decide.
As such, car manufacturers all over the world are putting their eggs in very different baskets. Some cite solar power as a future possibility, whilst others predict that Fuel cells running on hydrogen will be the next big thing. Toyota, trying to predict what will be the next range of used Toyotas on the futuristic market, have decided that electric cars and hybrids are the way to go.
Hybrid technology is a reasonably safe bet at this moment in time, as the technology and future fuel networks (and nation filled with plugs for your cars!) already exist or can exist with minimal effort and less research. Whether this will last for year and years or be replaced as fast as it arrives simply waits to be seen, but Toyota are definitely on board the wagon and heading down the road fast.


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