Buying a gently used car is generally a smart financial move. Because vehicles lose so much value in their first year of ownership, you can save a bundle by letting someone else take that depreciation hit and buying the car after one to four years of use.The math is a bit different for used hybrids, however. They can still be a good deal for the right buyers, but you need to tread carefully and consider issues that are unique to these cars.Hybrids have been around long enough, and there are enough used versions in the marketplace, that we're finally getting a handle on how they hold their value over time, said Kelley Blue Book market analyst Jack Nerad.Hybrids typically lose value faster than comparable conventional models, and their value really starts to plunge as they approach the end of their "hybrid components" warranty. (Warranties on the battery and other hybrid features are typically eight years and 80,000 miles.)
After two years, for example, a Honda Civic hybrid is worth 60% of its manufacturer's suggested retail price, Nerad said. That compares with 66% for a gas-engine Civic. After five years, the hybrid has retained just 43% of its original value, compared with 50% or so for the regular Civic.
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